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28 Jan 2011

Plumbing training centre picture tour - Week 1....

At the Plumbing College we understand that when students attend the practical element of their plumbing course they can't wait to get their hands dirty.

So with this in mind the first task set is for students to get onto the work benches and get to grips with the basics of pipe bending and joining. These skills are then put into practice by creating a pipework frame followed by hanging and connecting panel radiators!

Have a look on our Facebook page to see pictures of some students who seem to have picked up the new skills nicely?!

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The Staff at The Plumbing College were very polite, helpful and professional. The course has helped me extensively as i am about to become a self employed plumber and have some jobs already lined up! Thank you.

Student - David M (Matlock, Derbyshire)

The course on a whole was excellent, the books and practicals really helped me. The course has been really beneficial, THANK YOU!

Student - Steven B (Chesterfield)

The course has given me a good knowledge on how to handle plumbing works which will help me in the future to better my career.

Student - Victor E (Nottingham)