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21 Mar 2011

Are female plumbers still in huge demand….

With the United Kingdom’s population rapidly expanding and changing, is now a good time for more women to start looking at a lucrative career in the plumbing industry? Well, here at the Plumbing College we decided to find out….

SummitSkills recently estimated that out of the approximate 160,000 plumbers in the United Kingdom less than 1% of them are female! With more customers – in particular the elderly, lone mothers and some of Britain’s ethnic population – requesting female plumbers, women now have an excellent opportunity to develop a successful career within the plumbing industry, something that can also be tailored to suit their own domestic circumstances.

According to a further survey carried out by 1st Action Plumbing, 57% of Brits want to see more women making their mark in the plumbing industry. Having been a traditionally male-dominated industry, this latest consumer poll proves that people believe qualified female plumbers are just as capable of doing the job as their male counterparts.

Plumbing is undoubtedly hard work, but the antiquated view that the job can’t be performed equally well by a woman is total nonsense. As the plumbing industry evolves it is clear that by having more women entering into the industry it will not only begin to equalise the current gender bias but will also help tackle issues such as skill shortages in plumbing.

To further support the notion of getting more women into the plumbing industry, an organisation called ‘The Women in Plumbing Group’ is working in conjunction with SummitSkills to raise awareness of the business sense in employing women as part of a competent workforce. They hope to address the plumbing needs of a rapidly changing population; and exploring links with other groups and organisations that share similar aims and objectives. The importance of having women plumbers has not been missed by local authorities either; they are now trying to attract more women into the trades, including plumbing.

With all things considered, here at the Plumbing College we think the evidence is conclusive. Women plumbers ARE still in huge demand?! To help women make the first steps into the plumbing industry the Plumbing College offer uniquely flexible plumbing courses. More details can be found out by contacting the Student Support Team on 0800 032 2542 or by email.

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The Staff at The Plumbing College were very polite, helpful and professional. The course has helped me extensively as i am about to become a self employed plumber and have some jobs already lined up! Thank you.

Student - David M (Matlock, Derbyshire)

The course on a whole was excellent, the books and practicals really helped me. The course has been really beneficial, THANK YOU!

Student - Steven B (Chesterfield)

The course has given me a good knowledge on how to handle plumbing works which will help me in the future to better my career.

Student - Victor E (Nottingham)